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Interactive Installation



A study of eternality and ephemrality regarding individuals' life span

The project aims to set up a common ground for people to explore the shared archetypes with their individuality preserved in an abstract way. By exploring the hidden objects, the visitors either preserve or transgress certain barriers and boundaries, experiencing a common ground that weaves them together. In this prelinguistic experience that blurs the thresholds between digital and analogue, permanent and impermanent, everyday life and museum experience, people will reconstruct trust and reflect on their personal identities. 



mirror effect


By using machine learning models to track the audience's facial movements, the project moves according to the individuals' movement in front of the laptop's camera and calculates the distance of the 2 individuals' faces on screen. Projecting numbers from 0 to 86 to the screen which moves like waves following the individuals' movements, the project aims to explore humans' ages. The numbers are symbolizations of humans' lives. Whenever the number reaches 0 or 86, the page automatically renews, signifying a circulation.

code wise

javascript, node, webRTC, ml5 poseNet



I used an ml5 machine learning model to locate the positions of people's noses tracked by the camera. By initializing an array of particles assigned with 86 numbers and distributing them using Perlin noise, the numbers appear randomly like waves on the screen. Then, by mapping the data retrieved from the users' nose positions to each particle's x and y positions on the canvas, the randomly generated numbers move according to the users' nose positions. Additionally, by calculating the distance between the two users' noses, whenever their positions on the screen overlap, it changes the color of the canvas and reloads the page. This signifies the extension of immaterial life through human interactions and the creation of meaning.


laptop and smartphone tracking peoples movement data

smartphone data livestreamed

  • ml5 poseNet

  • p5js

livestream the data online with peer to peer communication

  • simplepeer library

  • node js

physical components

  • 2 DLR projectors

  • glasses

  • wire sculptures

  • paper

process documentation




process ideation.jpg

prototype sketches

  • take up the entire space of an empty room

  • uses threads to signify relationships and boundaries

Screenshot 2023-09-09 at 11.34.07 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-09-09 at 11.34.20 PM.png

final display diagram

user tests

mobile & laptop

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